
It may seem ironic... and even a little hypocritical to write a blog post about the overuse of technology. Especially this being only the second post I've even written! But it's something that weighs on my mind a lot lately, and I figure I might as well write about it in the beginning.

I've become increasingly more aware of how much I use my phone and computer for reasons that are unnecessary and add no value to my life. I realized not long ago that my phone was the last thing I touch before I go to sleep, and the first thing I touch when I wake up. It's my alarm clock. It's the reason I open my eyes in the morning. Its the first thing I reach for each and every day. Instead of being woken up by a clock- who's sole purpose of existence is to tell the time- I wake up to missed calls, text messages, emails, and the endless scroll of social media. I am immediately immersed in the chaos of the day before I've even scratched the sleep out of my eyes. And at bedtime? I've been startled awake by the tone of an email and actually replied right then and there... in the middle of the night... as if it couldn't wait until the next day.

We are becoming a society who cannot fathom the thought of being disconnected, for even a moment. What stress we feel when our batteries are on 2% and we forgot to CARRY OUR CHARGER WITH US! We swerve to avoid oncoming traffic because we just HAD to reply "ok" to a text message. We are lost in this idea of the importance of "connectedness." The usefulness of the network has been so decimated that now we use it to let all others know what we ate for lunch. We have begun to overvalue our every thought. The most mundane and often even hurtful thoughts are typed up for all to see. How is this adding value to our lives? We are abusing the unique opportunity we have to use the internet to inform, uplift, and learn from each other. Sure, I'm guilty of scrolling and scrolling and scrolling on social media... I've posted a picture of my breakfast more than once... I've even recently discovered pinterest (shoot me.) It can be addicting. There is something about knowing that there is truly no end to what you can see online... The thought, "but if I just scrolled a LITTLE further I'm going to see something I just know I couldn't have lived without seeing!" But is this true? Am I really going to just fall over dead if I didn't see that picture of your salad? Did you REALLY need to see mine? And sure, pinterest is FULL of great ideas and how-to's that truly are helpful to me and my business... but, I don't think I would die if I didn't scroll for two hours looking at every single post about recycling pallet wood. I think I might survive.

That's why I have decided (and encourage you) to take a real, good look at your use of technology. I've made a pact with myself that I'm going to make an effort to put my phone on "do not disturb" (because let's get real, emergencies DO happen and with the disappearance of the landline... I should at least be able to be reached) at and after dinnertime, until I go to work, when I'm out with friends, when I'm reading - yes, I read. A lot. And any other time I would rather be fully immersed in real life than distracted by virtual reality. I'm going to wake up and enjoy the first bit of the day under the covers, laughing and talking with my love and snuggling with my puppy. I hear by solemnly swear to quit scrolling in bed. And I promise to fill up my blog with things that are interesting, cultural, helpful, unusual, creative, beautiful and enlightening. I'm going to ask myself every time my finger is poised over the "post" button, "is this going to inform or uplift? Will someone be glad they saw this? Will it help someone, or at least brighten their day? Should I be outside right now?" I'm sure that I'll cave to the occasional pointless post just like everyone else. But, being aware is always the beginning of change, and I hope to lead a life less consumed by technology and more concerned with living and learning. Time is the most precious stuff in the world, let's not waste it.


Darbi HenleyComment