rosewood prayer mala

rosewood prayer mala


First, a bit about prayer malas. The traditional Tibetan strand has 108 beads. This is a very sacred number in Eastern spirituality and its full of symbolism! The 1 represents the self, or the source... " the same that is in me also dwells within you" - namaste... we are all made of the same energy and the 1 helps to remind us of this. The 0 represents nothingness, emptiness, humbleness, the willingness to learn and be "filled". The 8 represents the infinite, the everything, the love that is everything and everywhere... the unending "knot"... we are forever.

The traditional number of beads for a mala you wear around your wrist is 27. Meaning you would count around the strand 4 times to complete the traditional 108 prayers! Each mala has a "guru", a bead, charm, or tassel that represents the beginning and end of the prayers. You always count from the guru to the guru and then reverse, never counting over it. The guru I chose is the tassel. The tassel symbolizes the roots of the lotus which dig down into the mud and push the flower up through the "waters of experience" to the sunlight which represents enlightenment!

Rosewood is also a traditional material for making malas! It helps to balance your energies and open the heart chakra. Its also a bit porous so you can drop essential oils onto the beads for aromatherapy!

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All metal beads are handmade using raw materials and are not sealed with any non-tarnish coating. Therefore, the beads may develop a patina over time and wear, bringing out their unique characteristics!