Fluorite is one of those stones that I just can't get enough of. It comes in so many colors and varieties that although they share many properties as a whole, they also have several unique characteristics specific to each variety. In fact, I could probably write separate posts for each variety and still not cover all the information! So I'll just give a brief overview of the stone itself, as well as a few different varieties and several bits of info about each. All types of fluorite are a translucent to transparent clarity but vary in color.... from perfectly clear to green, pink, purple, blue and even yellow... with some varieties containing a combination of these colors known as rainbow fluorite (how lovely does that sound?!) In any form, fluorite is a beautiful stone with loads of great properties that make it perfect for meaningful, powerful jewelry.
Fluorite of all kinds help to cleanse negative energy and that is my very favorite characteristic of the stone... this is the first quality that I mention to everyone!! Like quartz, it is also a very balancing and stabilizing stone, bringing all your energies into harmony. Fluorite helps to bring mental clarity and can aid in opening the mind to absorb and understand more complex information. It can quiet the mind which helps in not only learning and concentrating, but also meditating. Our bodies are constantly bombarded with high energy vibrations so wearing fluorite can help absorb the "excess" and allow us more mental peace.
The enhanced mental peace of fluorite can lead to a reduction in anxiety, depression, stress, fear, and tension. Can you think of any areas in your life which cause you stress, anxiety and tension?? Chances are almost all of us will scream, "YES!!" And after a day spent at an elementary school and witnessing the chaos that is that environment, I did a little deeper research and found that fluorite is also an excellent stone to have around small children to help minimize conflict during playtime!! How neat is that?! Teachers, mothers and anyone else who spend tons of time around children can help reduce their stress by wearing this stone!!
All varieties of flourite have many spiritual qualities as well. It can help connect us to the universal consciousness and increase our intuition. It can help us to relate to each other on a higher level of understanding as well as better self-awareness.
Here are just a few points about the different varieties of fluorite... [ Its also helpful to know that because fluorite comes in so many colors, each color and type essentially correspond to our chakras (Maybe you've heard of chakras before? Maybe I should write a post about that someday? Very interesting stuff!!) Each chakra is associated with a particular color and thus corresponds to each of the colors of fluorite! So if you know anything about the chakras, it will be easy for you to choose the proper variety of fluorite to harmonize any chakra imbalances! ]
Notice the shape of the stones?? Because of fluorite's structural composition, the crystals tend to develop and break off into this shape called an octahedron!
Clear: this variety, because of its purity in color and clarity, is associated with the purification of mental, emotional and spiritual energies... it helps to align all your chakras and harmonize the mind, body and spirit... one of my favorite quotes on clear fluorite- "This crystal allows for a shift in perspective so one may recognize the difference between struggle and the need to perpetuate it."
Green: I would say most everyone associates the color green with nature... so green fluorite's ability to harmonize us with nature and our environment makes perfect sense! Additionally, the color green has gotten more attention lately with research showing that it can boost creativity... its no surprise then that green fluorite is said to inspire new ideas! Related closely to our heart chakras its also the stone of self love.
Blue: like staring at the ocean, this variety is said to bring calmness to our beings... it can bring order and rationality to the mind... and because it is linked to our third eye and throat chakras, it can help with our reception of information and improve our communication skills!
Purple: the color purple has long been tied to our mystical and spiritual qualities... this variety of fluorite is thus related to our crown chakra where we are connected to the Spirit and higher consciousness... it boosts our intuition and imagination!
Yellow: this variety is related to our 3rd charka near the solar plexus and its the center of our will-power, intention, and our "gut feelings". Yellow fluorite can help keep us goal oriented, help us to work well with others, and help us to trust our instincts.
Pink: although the color pink is not associated with any particular chakra, the color is often identified with the feminine energy... therefore, pink fluorite is perfect to regulate hormones! It also helps to balance emotions (which all us women will appreciate ;)
One last interesting fact: the purest of the clear variety, with the most exceptional optical clarity, are often used for lenses in cameras, telescopes, and microscopes!
I could go on and on and on about this incredible stone and even more varieties and qualities of each! There is so much information out there that I haven't even covered half! Hopefully you've learned a little something ,and if anything has sparked your curiosity then there is plenty more to discover!